Saturday, August 6, 2011

Psychopaths in Congress?

Paul Babiak, Ph.D. and Robert D. Hare, Ph.D. , noted psychologists, tell us in their book:  "Snakes In Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work," that 6% of the general population has some degree of psychopathic personality disorder as do 12% of those in the Board Room & C Suite.  Very few psychopathic personalities are murderers but all are very manipulative and care nothing about the consequences of their actions or feel responsible for them. Most have no capacity for empathy or guilt. They are skilled at manipulating their way into positions of power where they lack the knowledge or values to exercise the power responsibly.  They bring down corporations and are destructive wherever we find them.

Observing  Eric Cantor's body language, smirk, and obvious joy he has when expounding, on killing social security and medicare as well as blocking extension of unemployment benefits despite his actions putting people out of work, it is hard to not see how much he would enjoy accomplishing those feats. It is hard to not conclude from this that Eric Cantor is of the that 6% of the population with psychopathic personality. Further it appears a concentration of psychopathic personalities make up the freshman Republicans in the House. Many are just ignorant of economics but others appear to know what they are doing and want to destroy, cause pain and misery and diminish the United States.  Some, no doubt, are following orders in exchange for a future career promised by wealth benefactors whose biding they are serving..
This bunch of extreme Republicans have been emboldened by their small success in putting the President of the United States into a box, where he had no choice but to approve bad legislation in order to get the debt ceiling raised. The spectral of this will likely drive a loss in confidence in the US around the world. It has now become clear that a small group of radicals can actually defeat the will of the majority of Congress and the People who sent them there.   The world sees that our system of government is not working and nations will begin looking to others for global leadership.